With 145+ years of operation, the impact of generous stakeholders has left an impact time and time again. Through various endowments and general operations, our valued stakeholders can make a difference in the lives of our students and staff in many ways. Your hard-earned dollars can be tithed to many special projects; from keeping tuition low and scholarship availability high to providing just compensation to our valued staff, or even to building updates – know that each dollar received is valued beyond measure and used to grow our mission of leading, fostering and preparing our students to be a Christ-filled light to their world.
School Annual Fund Drive (Operating)
Msgr. Foltz Endowment (Scholarships)
Setter Scholarship Endowment (Scholarships)
Sr. Mary Ann Welsch Endowment (Operating)
John & Kathleen Altobell Endowment (Scholarships)
Guardian Angel Fund
SSG. Andrew Nelson Endowment (Scholarships)
Alice Bartels Endowment (Teacher Compensation)
Dan Powers Scholarship Endowment (Scholarships)
The value St. Joseph’s School places on our volunteers will never be adequate. Individuals, groups, organizations, and businesses extend their time to better St. Joseph’s School everyday. Discern your call, your talent, and your interest - we would love to work with you!